Saturday, April 28, 2007

"Practical cats, dramatical cats...

...Pragmatical cats, fanatical cats, Oratorical cats, delphioracle cats, Skeptical cats, dispeptical cats, Romantical cats, pedantical cats Critical cats, parasitical cats..."

drama was great fun! When I got home I got all pumped up and taught myself the choreography that I didn`t know to Mungojerrie & Rumpleteazer and tried to memorize Jellicle songs for Jellicle Cats which didn`t go over so well. :p so ummm....shelley....hannah.............scott.....are y`all sore? I am *is embarrased* lol

Yesterday I discovered what a grand place the half price book store is. I bought My Fair Lady there and I`m quite excited. I cleaned the garage today and realized that the summer weather is starting to come on us. ummmm i can`t think of anything else to say.

I love y`all


shelley said...

Oh my gosh yes I'm sore!!!! EVERYWHERE! but it was worth it lol

I love My Fair Lady! And while I've never been to halfprice books, I've heard good things about it.
We should do Cats again on Thursday:)

"Have you been an alumnus of heaven or hell?"

shelley said...

by the way, I was trying to send you an invite to the CSDC blog, and i realized that I don't have the email that you use for blogger. If you could get it to me that'd be fantastic. *mwa*

Anonymous said...

*raises hand* yes, I am sad to say that I was very sore lol actually still AM! I'm not sure how it is possible for me to get this out of shape just a week after the play lol

shelley said...

aaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe she said yes!!!!

You're the best Rumpleteazer I've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

so I'm thinking Mungojerrie and Rumpleteezer during the awards ceremony. We could so totally interrupt someone's award's speech :D heeheehee

shelley said...

haha that's awesome! I can't wait!!!!

shelley said...

btw, we should try and find legwarmers:)

shelley said...

that's a really good idea! I think it could work...we could wear our shorts from the musical over the tights (to make people more comfortable:) lol) and then regarding makeup: do you remember the little kid fairy makeup they used in Shakespeare!? it was like these feathery things that they stuck on the eyelashes...we could see if CSDC still has them and paste them on and then unglue them for our next thing. your thoughts?

shelley said...

my craziness. not eyeLASHES. eyeBROWS.

Anonymous said...

Good words.